FW 190A AIR-TO-AIR BOMBING TRAINING A myriad of special weaponry was created by the Luftwaffe to enable them to cope with the diversity of tactical situations they faced. Some of these, such as the SG 500 Jagdfaust vertically launched rocket, were highly effective and relatively easy to use. Others, such as air-to-air, time-fused bombs, were not as successful, and thus not widely used. YOUR MISSION You are lined up for a stern approach above a formation of four B-17s. Arm the 551 lb., delayed-fuse bomb mounted under the fuselage of your FW 190A-8. Fly straight and level until you are almost directly over the bombers. Drop the bomb and immediately break up and away from the B-17s. If you time the release correctly, the bomb should explode in the midst of the bomber formation. Your FW 190A has unlimited ammunition, including bombs.